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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

change vs experience

As Pres-elect Obama is gathering his team, there are cries out there that he is betraying his "change" mantra by considering and appointing seasoned Washington operators for key cabinet and staff positions. What those voices are forgetting or choose to forget if the the President is in charge of the vision and direction and tom a large extent the implementation of those.

What he needs is a team of folks who can get things done, not folks who would be "yes" men and women. So, in the nutshell it is perfectly reasonable to bring into the executive branch those who know how to execute plans. In my view, Hillary Clinton would be a welcome addition to the cabinet. Details can be worked out.

Friday, November 14, 2008

believe it or not

A friend asked me the other day:

"Perhaps you could explain the following:

"From newspapers and radio:

"More and more people have mortgages that are worth less than the worth of their house, so that these people have negative cash flow. As if that were a bad thing, and I do not even understand. If your job has not changed, and you could afford your mortgage, then nothing has changed. The value of your home decreasing would decrease your taxes (theoretically), and if you had to sell, so what? This is a great opportunity to purchase a home as well. Now, if you have lost your job, then it is another matter, but it has nothing to do with the decreasing value of your home. People should not be borrowing against their home as a matter of principle. It is probably those people who are in dire straits, and they should be!"

And, so I said:

It is mostly those who risked and took out mortgages at the adjustable rate, lured by low monthly payments to start with which then went up beyond what they could afford, thinking perhaps that they could re-finance, scoop up some resulting cash (if the prices kept going up), and thus keep on riding the wave. Well, the wave receded and they fell flat on their backs.

Additionally, even if mortgage payments did not go up, prices of other items did, thus reducing the available cash for other purposes (repairs, medical costs, entertainment, transportation, etc. etc.).

In my view, unless I can be reasonably certain to be able to afford future higher payments or be able to sell the home at a higher price, I would be really stupid to get into the variable rate mortgage deals I can not afford. In my view, those who did should lose their homes.

The reality is that all this hubbub about rescuing homeowners is another lie and deception. It has nothing to do with being humane but has everything to do with keeping the top echelons afloat and opening huge holes for future speculation and huge rip-offs of our money. How can you explain huge daily ups and downs in the stock market? Some, possibly those who actually have an influence on the direction market goes, are pocketing huge, unheard of super-profits.

These times are fantastic for speculators who also dare to manipulate the market as our attention is being kept elsewhere, they are reaping gigantic profits (4-6%, or even 1-2% daily is huge). If I had the desire to gain in this way I would be a very happy guy these days. You don't hear Buffets and the like complain, do you? I've got nothing against him and his ilk, more power to them!

This is like some whales fish. First they circle and circle tighter and tighter around and below a school of herrings, frighten them into a "corner," and then just scoop them up with open mouths without them even knowing what befell them. Like sheep running behind a blind ram and peacefully falling off the cliff. Except this ram is not blind but pretends he is and has a golden parachute attached to his back.

I could go on and on about this. I am not angry about it. I just continue to be disappointed in human race, disappointed in those who are willing to follow false prophets, follow something without knowing what it is they are really following. But, you know that's how I am. I want to understand before I accept. I am not much of a believer, which sometimes drives you mad.

And then he said:

"True. However I do agree with your analysis. I believe very little of what I hear. I ask questions as well. However, tango* is different from economy. And related to economy, one can be frozen and do nothing. I like you, have no sympathy for those who made poor decisions or were conned into doing so."

I thought this was sufficiently interesting, so -- here it is.
* my friend and I share passion for tango.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So-called "free market"

NPR's Morning Edition Sunday, Nov 11, 2008 reports:

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, (D-CA) says she's disturbed by reports that some inauguration tickets are being sold online for as much as $40,000. She says she's writing to eBay and other sites to make sure they're not involved in ticket scalping. The 240,000 available tickets are supposed to be free to the public, and given out through congressional offices. Feinstein is also working on a bill that would make it a federal crime to sell tickets to the inauguration."

So now in this country which wants open markets around the world, free trade, which champions individual initiative, entrepreneurship, etc., etc., etc., a US Senator is disturbed that that same entrepreneurship might net some not-so-creative people some super profits. She wants to make it a federal crime. Wow, I am impressed by this hypocrisy.

Since when are we not supposed to take advantage of the supposedly free market and provide goods where there is a demand? Isn't that essential for free market capitalism.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Now what?

I must admit that it was fantastic to see the results of the presidential election on Tuesday. There is a score of reasons to celebrate. Lots of symbolism and victories on multiple fronts. I hope that, for one, they are not swallowed into the labyrinth of Democratic Party, which is a very autocratic, hierarchical political machine demanding party discipline in carrying out party's platform and not tolerating disobeying the authority of the "leaders.".

One of those victories is a new direction the country is promised to take under the leadership of President(-elect) Barack Obama. Assuming that that new direction will be undertaken, the success of its realization highly depends on how those in the base are able, willing, and allowed to shape that general, national direction into their specific local one and how well they implement it in their day-to-day actions.

A burning question related to that is how well those massive numbers of volunteers working on electing Candidate Obama president will now be engaged in the work ahead.

Candidate Obama spoke frequently of how change and development comes from the bottom up and not the other way around. I am waiting to see it realized. Will the base be allowed to take charge or not. Will all those volunteers, first, stick around and then, second, be allowed to actively shape the agenda appropriate for their particular socio-political environment.

If the answer to both question is "yes," we just might see a watershed moment for the world. The opportunity is there. Are we ready to take it?