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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sen. Sanders and changing nature of politics

When he speaks during his campaign for the President of the US, Sen. Sanders has his 40+ year record to back him up. He does not come up all polished and distant like most politicians do. He is not afraid to stand up for what he truly believes -- oh, what a novelty that is! He seems to be "one of us" and not "one of them." He inspires.

Those who support his candidacy need to be very careful, though, to also find, support, and elect progressive candidates for the Senate and for the House as, no matter how well intentioned he or she may be, US President needs US Congress to put through programs for which folks support and elect him or her.

What's more, folks should themselves not fall asleep after the election is over since the election, while important, is but one of the elements of a political system that functions well for the society. That other work starts at home where we live, work, travel, learn, get and give healthcare, arts, etc. 
It is nowadays very workable to be involved in dynamic, self-organized coalitions centered around the issues and not ideologies or political platforms. Political parties are obsolete and will wither away, the sooner the better, but not before they are organically (not by a decree of some sort) replaced by a better alternative mode of political organizing.